It is december already! time flies...and in few days more bout 3-4 days,i'm going to meet up with my hunney! YES IN LONDON!!!! weeeee~~~!!!
In the meantime,i'm trying to finish up my assignments or at least half done it :)
And hunney,i miss you sooooo much...when will i meet u again after this? :( sigh..cuz i can't go back till my convo...but scratch that,as long as i enjoy the moment now :)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Without you...
I had been really busy doing all the assignments which are due on the same month!
....then....i finally decided to take a break from my research proposal...
i was actually looking back at the old photos in facebook "photos of me"...yeah,that part...and i realized,i smiled and even laugh a bit because all that recalls the memories we had...
the part where we always went to club...yes,us 3 and then 4...the king kong,torty and piggy...then when annie came in...
the part where we always celebrate each others' birthday...
the part where i went to a genting trip with my sun and my zoo ppl!
the part where we do silly poses during our outings in DAC and AFA year!
...even in classes too...!!
our convo!
and all those beautiful memories...!!
slowly,i've started to tear a bit...cuz i realized,i missed you guys sooooo much...!!!
thank you for being there...for making me laugh *tho i know it haunts*
the wonderful and beautiful memories that you guys created!
the notty ones : charis,jl and MR JOHNNY :P and ofcuz the rest *dang! must claim for this title*
the quiet ones : you know who u are :)
the ones closest to me in class : well...the zoo XD hahahha
going thru all those photos,made me realized that we really had come a long way...
from a stranger to friends and now.... BEST FRIENDS!!
i will never forget all of u *unless i had memory loss* :P
and GORI and rest!! i havent forget you guys too :)
well...they always say that there's no such thing as "one size fits all"...
my sentence does!
which is....
it's not even 2 months yet and i'm bloody homesick right now!
homesick as in spending time with my families and baby and ofcuz you guys!!!
I'm so looking forward to seeing you guys...!! i dun give a damn when...!! i just want it so badly that it could be tomorrow *blink blink* :P haha
you guys just take care and you know where to reach me aite?
your laughing machine
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Hidden Part of Me...
You know, i've been missing my high school life soooooo soooooo much :(
One of it was like being in a world that's yours (although it's not under my control :P)
and dancing days...
Those that don't know me,they only thought that i'm a ballet dancer (which we did tap dance too)...but other than that...i'm missing my contemporary dance :( took the hip hop classes outside...i know i don't look like 1 right?
But,recently,heard that there's drama club as well as dance club in my uni...went on and check it out...i didn't start the dance earlier on cuz i was too busy till now,i have time to settle down...the trial class was on was popping,hip hop and breakdance...but i actually expect more than that like sex jazz and etc....anyway,i had fun there tho...
1 of the reason,tremendously missed the dancing days :( feeling like a hard boned old lady...and the 2nd was...guess what?? my lover loves dancerrrr :P but the main reason to join in because it's winter and i dun wanna get fat as well as to fill up the "missing dance" part days :(
now that my fingers couldn't touch my piano...damn! i wanna take the lessons here as well :( owh goshhhhh...i miss the time and esp those romantic and classical songs played with so much feelings...
i'll go back soon i guess...
it's not even the second month here yet :(
waiting impatiently~
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Can I complain?
I sooooo wanna complain a bit...just a lil bit...
i can't believe this...i spent my whole day sleeping like a big fat pig!!!! shitttt!!! well,i had class this morning...came back and lazed around on cherrie's bed,hopefully she'll wake up by then...but she did not...
looking at the time on my cell,it's already half past 12...decided to cook myself a brunch...while eating,there's this meter-taker-guy came over to record the electric meter and the gas...jeezzzz...!! can't i just eat my brunch peacefully? hmph!
and finally,cherrie woke's edi 1 plus in the noon!!! was suppose to go out to town with her but the air outside is so friggin cold tat we decided to stay home (even tho it's sunny! The sun is such a good cheater) clean up my room a bit then I WAS going to take a nap...unfortunately,i slept till it's 6 in the evening!!! GOSHHH!!! time wasted T.T
can't do anything bout it...freshen up myself and went to cherrie's room to chat with her...she asked if i wanna go over to a fren's house for dinner...well,i said ok since it's already too late to cook and she's feeling lazy we just put on our track bottom and jackets for the top...i'm wearing gloves cuz it's freezing outside!!!
after the dinner,cherrie and I went to library to do our research projects...stayed till quarter past 11...we walk like a mad and it's getting colder...she even said that it's the shortest time ever she had used to walk back from library :P
P/S: Library closed at 12am :)
Uni life has been really hectic...not the class kinda hectic...but the assignments and presentations!!! other than that,we're enjoying ourselves here as an international student...ooh ooh...before i forget,we went to Liverpool the other day :) pictures will be on facebook soon
i'm missing my family members sooooo much right now :( i miss how my sister and i teased each other up till a point where we can fight and argue...even my dad...all tho he nags a lot and give me the grumpy face,but i still know he loves me...and my BABY BOY!!!! goshhh!! i seriously miss that fur ball where he always listens to my heart...and my mum's cooks :( ofcuz my cousins as well and the friends!
Love life :
had been re-reading his old blog again...the part when he's with Eva...when i read,i start to realize 1 thing...i'm actually feeling the same of what he wrote there...never thought a person like him has a sensitive part too...but i guess the past had made him who he is today...
so i don't think i'll stay long this way since we talked things out and even if i understand,it's time for me to act my part...bye bye silly thoughts and jealousy! (oits,you're the same too last last last time :P never thought u'll be jealous and think too much! dun deny,it's all in your blog :P)
He had been really busy and will be busy for the days to come...but we still managed to talk to each other even tho it's just a short period of time...he's coming anyway in december...sorry dear that i gave you so much troubles...he hasn't update his blog lately...ofcuz,one of the reason,he's kinda busy that's why he only blogs randomly...
Although there's nothing much to read bout me and him,but i know how he feel and the memories will always be remained the same...Most of the time,he teases me...well,it's all the time! :P but there's just a chemical between me and him...
Note to him only : Hunney, you can stop worrying bout me :) i'm not that naughty kinda girl...yes,i admit that i'm stubborn...but hey! you're 1 grumpy too...and...I'm sorry that most of the time i made you angry,do silly stuffs that annoyed you and i'm truly sorry that you had to bring so much of my things over :P you just know how much chemical i had on u...i love you most.
it's been 1 month and a week here already...but i'm still feeling hard to leave my friends behind and my family too...since i'm like a sunshine to them,that brought so much joy and at times just too talkative like a chatterbox,it must really quiet without me being there :( and i miss how they made me laugh like mad...
it makes me even harder to sleep right now :( resulting from that long nap! DAMN!
can i drunk myself up???
anyway,i'm signing's a bit of a long post eh? :P
Friday, October 14, 2011
....counting down...
67 days more to goooooo~!!!
i cant wait to see him...
bie,if you're reading this,i want you to know;
"Every now and then,I'm thinking of you as always...without me mentioning it,you know how much I miss you"
Goodnight my sweetheart!
i cant wait to see him...
bie,if you're reading this,i want you to know;
"Every now and then,I'm thinking of you as always...without me mentioning it,you know how much I miss you"
Goodnight my sweetheart!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
3am in the UK...
i actually do not know what to blog about first :( because classes on these 2 weeks were only on the research project assignment...bloody boring!!! weather's been really cold recently...some even said that we might see snow early...some said,winter's gonna come early...blah blah blah...
i'm starting to feel home sick :( missing my families and friends and my baby...and even the food and the hot weather back i wish my home country is just near to wherever i am :P
been sick...and it's really torturing me! grrrr!!! scratch this part XD
you know what,cherrie said that fb is becoming more like a news reporter...and yes i replied,"the next morning,our homepage is gonna be full of steve jobs death post"...she couldn't agree more...and yes it really happened...i've seen a few posts where they say iphone 4s stands for iphone for steve...even heard rumors saying that they lost the iphone5 prototype in the bar...such a make up stories...but to be honest,apple group have really created the one technologies for our quality life...and my saying would be ;
3 apples changed the world. -The first one tempted Eve, -the second inspired Newton and, -the third was offered to the world half eaten by Mr. Steve Jobs.
Now for the love life...
we had how far apart we are now,i totally can understand how both of us feel only happened because of 1 reason only,which is both of us do not wanna lose each other...but we settled out :)
few days ago,i was surprised by first,i thought he couldn't make the stay of 14 days...but instead,he extended the stay!!!!! i'm still excited over it and bragging it out to my housemate :P so in these 2 months,i must learn to cook with a lot of varieties for him to choose...
oh oh...!!! AND!!!! not to forget,we might even go on a trip to watch the aurora borealis's a very rare occasion u know?!?! but with him,trips to anywhere also will be a romantic ones...even sahara dessert :P
how thoughtful of him to think that 14 days isn't enough...yeah,when i made that decision,i felt that way too...but i do not wanna be selfish as he need to work as well...hehehee....i'm looking forward to the day he arrive :)
Hunney,I'm actually not crazy,but i really am happy when you get jello :P it means u care...but we both now understands where we stand right? as how much we'd been thru together,our love will only go stronger ♥
Do you know how much i miss you?
Till i dreamt of you :(
i hope time will fly to december and stop right there :P i just cant wait to see you,feel your arms around me and your breath over me once more...
We shall take lotsa pictures together,and i don't give a damn if we look nice or not,ok?
Hunney, do you remember this photo? it's our very first photo taken on the way to port dickson with jie...guess what i'm doing right now...
I'm actually looking back at all our photos which i can feel i'd a very teary eye right now...must be missing you too much :(
But i know,we'll meet soon enough and have plenty of memorable moments together...
I heart you,my sweet Macho Grumpy Face ♥

i'm starting to feel home sick :( missing my families and friends and my baby...and even the food and the hot weather back i wish my home country is just near to wherever i am :P
been sick...and it's really torturing me! grrrr!!! scratch this part XD
you know what,cherrie said that fb is becoming more like a news reporter...and yes i replied,"the next morning,our homepage is gonna be full of steve jobs death post"...she couldn't agree more...and yes it really happened...i've seen a few posts where they say iphone 4s stands for iphone for steve...even heard rumors saying that they lost the iphone5 prototype in the bar...such a make up stories...but to be honest,apple group have really created the one technologies for our quality life...and my saying would be ;
3 apples changed the world. -The first one tempted Eve, -the second inspired Newton and, -the third was offered to the world half eaten by Mr. Steve Jobs.
Now for the love life...
we had how far apart we are now,i totally can understand how both of us feel only happened because of 1 reason only,which is both of us do not wanna lose each other...but we settled out :)
few days ago,i was surprised by first,i thought he couldn't make the stay of 14 days...but instead,he extended the stay!!!!! i'm still excited over it and bragging it out to my housemate :P so in these 2 months,i must learn to cook with a lot of varieties for him to choose...
oh oh...!!! AND!!!! not to forget,we might even go on a trip to watch the aurora borealis's a very rare occasion u know?!?! but with him,trips to anywhere also will be a romantic ones...even sahara dessert :P
how thoughtful of him to think that 14 days isn't enough...yeah,when i made that decision,i felt that way too...but i do not wanna be selfish as he need to work as well...hehehee....i'm looking forward to the day he arrive :)
Hunney,I'm actually not crazy,but i really am happy when you get jello :P it means u care...but we both now understands where we stand right? as how much we'd been thru together,our love will only go stronger ♥
Do you know how much i miss you?
Till i dreamt of you :(
i hope time will fly to december and stop right there :P i just cant wait to see you,feel your arms around me and your breath over me once more...
We shall take lotsa pictures together,and i don't give a damn if we look nice or not,ok?

I'm actually looking back at all our photos which i can feel i'd a very teary eye right now...must be missing you too much :(
But i know,we'll meet soon enough and have plenty of memorable moments together...
I heart you,my sweet Macho Grumpy Face ♥

Monday, October 3, 2011
Being a student once more...
It's been a week i've arrived in the UK...well,you know what? things here are MUCH MORE clothes,shoes,perfumes etc...all branded ones too!!! but the only thing which is expensive is the food at the restaurants :(
the weather here is changing rapidly...!! it's supposed to be autumn...but it seems like it has gone back to summer :( the temperature is higher than usual like 25 deg plus changes every single can be freezing cold today and very warm the next...
classes will be starting tomorrow officially...the subjects are similar to the ones i've studied,just a level higher...and i'm learning proper english accent!! FINALLY :P southern ones are very much different from the north ones...and i'm at the north :)
Actually i'm feeling kinda nervous :( after all,i've stopped going to college since mid of may...being back to a student does make me feels kinda awkward...anyhow,i'll give my best shot! it's 12:22am here...time to off to bed!
Goodnight from UK and Good Morning Asia :)
the weather here is changing rapidly...!! it's supposed to be autumn...but it seems like it has gone back to summer :( the temperature is higher than usual like 25 deg plus changes every single can be freezing cold today and very warm the next...
classes will be starting tomorrow officially...the subjects are similar to the ones i've studied,just a level higher...and i'm learning proper english accent!! FINALLY :P southern ones are very much different from the north ones...and i'm at the north :)
Actually i'm feeling kinda nervous :( after all,i've stopped going to college since mid of may...being back to a student does make me feels kinda awkward...anyhow,i'll give my best shot! it's 12:22am here...time to off to bed!
Goodnight from UK and Good Morning Asia :)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
helloooo UK
gahhhhh...!! i shall update some other time :P
it's almost 1 am tho...and it's my orientation day tomorrow...gotta rest early :P
ohh ohh...before i forget....
it's almost 1 am tho...and it's my orientation day tomorrow...gotta rest early :P
ohh ohh...before i forget....
Sunday, August 21, 2011
31 days more...
The title speaks for's a month more time that i'll be here in kl...attended a pre-departure briefing at double tree hilton ytdy...after listening to it,i'm even more sure that i'll love it there as they preserved the nature so well that the plants they built does not release's all zero pollution...not to even mention bout the weather as well as the conveniency of traveling around the whole country...
Yes,excited as I am...Just like how my sweetheart is excited of leaving to singapore...the promises he made so far,he did keep i said previously that how i wish to spend time with him before i leave to UK...well,he really did came back for a week...
Arriving on the 14th at 3am,i went over to pick him up...well...we did at least met each other every single day tho time spent was short...however,i'm still am happy because i had the opportunity to see him still...slept over after picking him up and need to work full day the next day...he even delivered lunch for me on promised,we went over to mid valley on tuesday and finally i got my new reebok shoes :P
On that thursday,my fren and I went over to some guys house to question him regarding my salary...well,it's really a long story...after all,it's already settled...that's what most important...hunney and I still spend the last moments together before he left...on friday night,we had our dinner at Bubba Gum and watch Cowboys VS Aliens...oooooo my Daniel Craig :P haha...he sent me back becuz i was complaining bout my smelly hair...after the bath,i drive over to his place since i need to wake up early in the morning the next day..
Happy moments do flies eh? Tho the time spent together wasnt much,but i'm still satisfy that we're able to see each other every single day...To me,even a minute could meant forever...Now that we had to go back to our on routes....He went back to sg to work and me as well,working as usual...still working things up on the packing for UK :P i know i'm a slow coach...cant help it...

Hunney, I know you must be worried even though u denied it :P but i am not leaving you k? Just kinda excited for leaving this hot-weather country and experience sth new for myself...with greens all around...Just like how u're excited when you leave to sg...All these while,the promises you made to me, had been kept and you did promise me to come k? 14 days at least plsssss *puppy eyes*purrrrr* :P
Thank you dear for coming back...even tho it's just a's better than ntg still...and i still get to spend the most of it with you...that does not compare to the visits of u to ah toh hse k? :P how u always say it,we have forever...*DO BEHAVE* :P
Love you,my mr grumpy face :P
it does seems like i still have lotsa days eh? BUT HEY! it isn't...i still gotta pack and clean my room...which is really messy :P it takes forever..!! GRRR!! far...all i needed,i had bought it edi...but there isn't much to bring tho...just the girl's stuff which is loads! anyway,will be updating my blogs with pics when i'm there...
Grumpy face,till we meet UK ♥
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
When things don't seem to be how you expect it~
Wow...!! it's been so long i update this not gonna go month by month, will just key in wateva i had in mind right now...
Things had been really tough since March till May...been busy like there's no time for anything at all...there's a few changes here and there...few tough decision to make too...but i've decided, that's what's most important...
Thought of continue-ing my ACCA outside with the international colleges as they allow to choose which subject to take first...I've always wanted a different lifestyle...not Malaysian types...more to English ppl...
Been surveying a few colleges and unis abroad...mostly are from UK...well, UK has been famous for accounting courses :P went on and gather all infos...had finally came to a forked road where I have to choose between what I want and what I'll be risking if I took that path...
To help with my decision, I went over to the Teesside University Regional Office for consultations...after clearly being told what they will be offering, which supposedly a degree programme needed to be done in 3 years time but I have an offer of just entering into the final year...
Didn't wanna waste what was offer to me, I knew what I wanted...discussed still with my dad...and he agreed! well, goodbye Malaysia~!! It has been my home for 21 years...but i just cant wait to fly off to a new place and start over with new culture...excited but ofcuz nervous as well...
speaking of which where love comes...definitely it's vv hard to leave ur loved ones behind...but it's not like i'm not coming back tho...I'll miss my baby :( as well as the man that brings so much emotions in me...
It's early July already and I've only 2 months left to shop before i fly off...anyway,we have sales everywhere :P
Went over to singapore on 4th vacation..
Met my love there as well...fighting against time,but still,it's 1 moment that will be's been a month plus since the last i met him...there are times where i wish to hug him or even cry on his shoulder...but too bad, distance!
Hoping that he'll have time to come back before i fly off to UK...
But he promised to come over to UK as well ^^
Hunney, Darling is missing you tremendously...Knowing you're working hard there, just take care alright? For a year plus, I can't be by your side...But distance never keeps us away...At least we know what's in front of us and how we felt so much for each other ♥ The promises we made, will be kept...
BTW...i'm working full time right now at mont kiara...well, needed income as well to spend for the shopping for UK stuffs :P as well as, to be exchange for pounds sterling..just text or ring me up if u're around the area :)
Unable to stay...Unwilling to leave~
there are times where i cried silently for the reason of missing you~
Things had been really tough since March till May...been busy like there's no time for anything at all...there's a few changes here and there...few tough decision to make too...but i've decided, that's what's most important...
Thought of continue-ing my ACCA outside with the international colleges as they allow to choose which subject to take first...I've always wanted a different lifestyle...not Malaysian types...more to English ppl...
Been surveying a few colleges and unis abroad...mostly are from UK...well, UK has been famous for accounting courses :P went on and gather all infos...had finally came to a forked road where I have to choose between what I want and what I'll be risking if I took that path...
To help with my decision, I went over to the Teesside University Regional Office for consultations...after clearly being told what they will be offering, which supposedly a degree programme needed to be done in 3 years time but I have an offer of just entering into the final year...
Didn't wanna waste what was offer to me, I knew what I wanted...discussed still with my dad...and he agreed! well, goodbye Malaysia~!! It has been my home for 21 years...but i just cant wait to fly off to a new place and start over with new culture...excited but ofcuz nervous as well...
speaking of which where love comes...definitely it's vv hard to leave ur loved ones behind...but it's not like i'm not coming back tho...I'll miss my baby :( as well as the man that brings so much emotions in me...
It's early July already and I've only 2 months left to shop before i fly off...anyway,we have sales everywhere :P
Went over to singapore on 4th vacation..
Met my love there as well...fighting against time,but still,it's 1 moment that will be's been a month plus since the last i met him...there are times where i wish to hug him or even cry on his shoulder...but too bad, distance!
Hoping that he'll have time to come back before i fly off to UK...
But he promised to come over to UK as well ^^

BTW...i'm working full time right now at mont kiara...well, needed income as well to spend for the shopping for UK stuffs :P as well as, to be exchange for pounds sterling..just text or ring me up if u're around the area :)
Unable to stay...Unwilling to leave~
there are times where i cried silently for the reason of missing you~
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
a step further...
yuhooooooo~~~ i finally found a time to blog again...
hrrmmm...i stopped at jan aiy??
February : it's CNY!!! uh huh!!! as usual,i went to bie's place again as i said,they have this open house event every year...bie came to pick me up from my hometown...i'm glad that this time,we make a better turn for mua dad =) and intern starts at cho 5 =(
As usual,the 14th,he's working for we didnt spend our valentine's ok for me...valentine days are worse than inflations! the prices just for a set dinner cost a fortune! a lil exaggerating...but...that's how it me,my valentine days are the days we spend time with each other...after all,he's the main role in it =D
there's this one night,he sms-ed me that he woke up half way dreaming bout me...and i love how he say that he smell my hair fragrance on his pillow and that he missed me ^^
somewhere in between,he almost gave up...was so heartbreaking...however...we manage to save it back...
March : the happiest month so far! he came by my office and took lunch with's the first time and he went off for work after that...i remember how sweetheart dun wan any bday surprises from me,so we make it simple and had dinner at to movida to celebrate sun's bday after was the first time ever in so long that we club together...but hunney,i'm sorry that i'm drunk and need to u to drive all the way back =(
on the 20th,we were suppose to go to putrajaya hot air balloons festival but i couldnt make it cuz i got no car at home...plan changed and he came to pick me up...we went for the famous yong tao foo at ipoh road and off to low yat...he made me cried for buying me a he always knew that i want a laptop of my own...Sony Vaio it is and i'm still loving it...*'s just me...our lappie has the same colour =P* went back to homey,installed and off to 1u for movie =D

well...this wasn't as i was suppose to be a bigger party i had in my new hse...with a club theme...however,sth came up so was switch to a simple 1...thanks for those who come...u guys really made it happened...and for those who didnt,still,thanks for remembering and the prezzies as well =D
i'm glad as well that hunney made it in the end...which i know,he is really really tired and rushing to my place...hunney,thanks a lot for ur presence and the lappie ♥
hrrmmm...i stopped at jan aiy??
February : it's CNY!!! uh huh!!! as usual,i went to bie's place again as i said,they have this open house event every year...bie came to pick me up from my hometown...i'm glad that this time,we make a better turn for mua dad =) and intern starts at cho 5 =(
As usual,the 14th,he's working for we didnt spend our valentine's ok for me...valentine days are worse than inflations! the prices just for a set dinner cost a fortune! a lil exaggerating...but...that's how it me,my valentine days are the days we spend time with each other...after all,he's the main role in it =D
there's this one night,he sms-ed me that he woke up half way dreaming bout me...and i love how he say that he smell my hair fragrance on his pillow and that he missed me ^^
somewhere in between,he almost gave up...was so heartbreaking...however...we manage to save it back...
March : the happiest month so far! he came by my office and took lunch with's the first time and he went off for work after that...i remember how sweetheart dun wan any bday surprises from me,so we make it simple and had dinner at to movida to celebrate sun's bday after was the first time ever in so long that we club together...but hunney,i'm sorry that i'm drunk and need to u to drive all the way back =(
on the 20th,we were suppose to go to putrajaya hot air balloons festival but i couldnt make it cuz i got no car at home...plan changed and he came to pick me up...we went for the famous yong tao foo at ipoh road and off to low yat...he made me cried for buying me a he always knew that i want a laptop of my own...Sony Vaio it is and i'm still loving it...*'s just me...our lappie has the same colour =P* went back to homey,installed and off to 1u for movie =D
on the 26th,it's my bday you know...well,it's just isn't officially yet...but celebrating are some pics of it...
♥ cake 1

i'm glad as well that hunney made it in the end...which i know,he is really really tired and rushing to my place...hunney,thanks a lot for ur presence and the lappie ♥
Happy 21st Birthday to me-self~!!
an adult finally...sigh...i'm just old =( too fast!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I'm Back~!!
hahaha...yeah...i's been quite some time i update my blog and it does seems so dead eh? tis time,i promised...with pichas =D it was the same ol' reasons...hectic schedules...ACCA was really a tough climb path...but,i believe,it's always never give up =)
my blog is ALIVE with colours...!!! muahahaha...after sooo many months!
December : Somewhere in december,i remembered i did sth embarrassing in lecture hall...As popular as i am already,this adds on to my popularity...well,i kinda "HAR" loudly in the lecture hall...but there's always a story behind eh...mine was,the lecture was going too fast and the we couldnt copy down that fast and before we could finish it,he already moved on to next slide...LOL...everyone looks at me as i hide my face and they clapped their hands...hmmm...what for huh?? i dun get it as well =P
And somewhere in between,i remember bumping into bie ON THE ROAD~!! YEAH!!! again!!! but this time,we're on the same route!! i guess he didnt see me...i cut thru him,since i'm already late for class...and all i see was his lanci face =P guess he must be very tired after his work =)
As for my 11th month anni,bie brought me to Itallianese for din din =D i hate eating raw meats...however,the food there was really goood!! and i dun feel a bit disgusting at all =D
January : The best thing on this month was my 1st year anniversary gift from my sweetheart...well,at first,i was really disappointed that he almost canceled it due to a show...but in the end,we went!! =D
We went to PD...well,i know first thing u guys thought of it was a common place...but heck no,the room we stayed at had a private pool and the room is really,hunney knew that i love beaches...
It's a trip-pey Jan after all =D on my daddy's bday,we went to Sungkai...LOL...i haven even upload those photos into fb yet...but really no time mar =P
ooh ooh!! before i head to bed,
I'm going to get my belly pierced tomorrow!
yeah,i'm really excited =)
hunney,thanks a lot for making an effort to make all these happened...!! I love the holiday and I wish to go more with you..I still love you each and every day ♥
hahaha...yeah...i's been quite some time i update my blog and it does seems so dead eh? tis time,i promised...with pichas =D it was the same ol' reasons...hectic schedules...ACCA was really a tough climb path...but,i believe,it's always never give up =)
my blog is ALIVE with colours...!!! muahahaha...after sooo many months!
December : Somewhere in december,i remembered i did sth embarrassing in lecture hall...As popular as i am already,this adds on to my popularity...well,i kinda "HAR" loudly in the lecture hall...but there's always a story behind eh...mine was,the lecture was going too fast and the we couldnt copy down that fast and before we could finish it,he already moved on to next slide...LOL...everyone looks at me as i hide my face and they clapped their hands...hmmm...what for huh?? i dun get it as well =P
And somewhere in between,i remember bumping into bie ON THE ROAD~!! YEAH!!! again!!! but this time,we're on the same route!! i guess he didnt see me...i cut thru him,since i'm already late for class...and all i see was his lanci face =P guess he must be very tired after his work =)
As for my 11th month anni,bie brought me to Itallianese for din din =D i hate eating raw meats...however,the food there was really goood!! and i dun feel a bit disgusting at all =D
January : The best thing on this month was my 1st year anniversary gift from my sweetheart...well,at first,i was really disappointed that he almost canceled it due to a show...but in the end,we went!! =D
We went to PD...well,i know first thing u guys thought of it was a common place...but heck no,the room we stayed at had a private pool and the room is really,hunney knew that i love beaches...

It's a trip-pey Jan after all =D on my daddy's bday,we went to Sungkai...LOL...i haven even upload those photos into fb yet...but really no time mar =P
ooh ooh!! before i head to bed,
I'm going to get my belly pierced tomorrow!
yeah,i'm really excited =)
hunney,thanks a lot for making an effort to make all these happened...!! I love the holiday and I wish to go more with you..I still love you each and every day ♥
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