...and yes,i'm back...
basically i just feel like blogging suddenly...
photos of us when he's here to be with me for a month!

Him & Her

this is when he got really jello that my hot chocolate is prettier than his XD

Us in Durham Cathedral

In York

It's one of our favourites!

Well,prudence said i did a photobomb glamorous and i could't agree more :P

...and him playing his ps3
days of him in the UK...
had created so much more memories for us...
and even before he leave 2 weeks before,i'm bracing myself from crying but i tear still!
after he left,my room felt so empty without his existence...
the paths we walk...
when we're holding our hands in his pocket cuz it's cold...
laughing and teasing at each other's jokes...
manja him and annoy him all the way...
picking me up after class...
playing his ps3 while waiting for me to cook...
all of these...i just missed it so much...
i guess,i'm just used to stay with him...
and do my daily routines with him in it...
...after this,it'll be 11 months...
term 2 is starting soon...
will be heck busy since it's the final term...
with all the assignments and dissertations...
hunney, i'm sorry for being such a princess...throwing tantrums and being ridiculous most of the time...but u do know i'm happy and i love u so much...one more thing that u didn't know was that i'm really grateful that you extended your time...i really am...i do not know how to thank you anymore...and hunney, i know i'm emotional...that's the one thing i can't control it...
i miss how you tie my shoe laces just like cinderella...
i miss how u wait for me in the room while i'm cooking dinner...
i miss how u cuddle me when we're watching tv...
i miss how u put ur arms around me at night...
but all of that, i just realized that is because i miss you most and i'm used to the life of having u in it..
no worries k dear?
i'll take care myself here as promised...
and you too k? you promised me! remember?
I love you most~