sitting before my laptop,
with my mind running wild of the past events...
Months back,
somewhere in Jan...
These ppl are from different badge of internships,
they completed their programme,
and they leave...
but what was never really gone was our friendship made...
Even months after they had ended they training,
we still catch up like an old friend...
Here's to our never ending bond!
The other stage in life...
where your friends are moving on and build their own family...
where you had plenty of wedding invitations,
with up next was baby shower!
This was Louis's baby shower...
At this point,
I'm an aunt :')
giving a small token to him as a blessing...
this was their happy family...
growing still...
The zoozies...
We are parting ever since the day of college ends...
We have to embark on our own paths...
our careers,
and these 2 were already building their own families...
as how much reluctance I felt,
Deep down,
I'm happy for them to have found their own happiness...
We're about to branch out zoozies...
With one in North East,
Another in North West,
I'll be in down South - Singapore,
and the others?
They're staying in the central KL :)
One thing about zoozies that had our bond so strong was the crazy-ness level we had,
We would never let each other to do the craziest things alone...
Before King Kong left,
we planned a surprise birthday with her ever longing desired fruit tart cake,
And happiness is when you saw how happy and surprised she was..
Having to utilise her time here in KL,
we clubbed and went for a "free" supper...
Paid by a stranger without any expectations of returns...
and lastly,
without sleeping,
we have a 15km morning jog!
That's how insane we are and we never stop!

21KM Half Marathon by Nike,
Just weeks before the event,
I had a severe veins injury.
Was asked to cancel off and recuperate at home :(
But lessons learnt!
Trainings were not meant to over-pace!
And I've found out I enjoyed taking photos...
Not only with a camera but with my only HTC..
They say a lot of my whereabouts,
my moods,
my travels
my experience obtained...
At different stages of life,
no matter what,
We would need to go through certain circumstances that each of us would have been there...
We bid farewell...
Not knowing when we'll see each other again...
We moved on...
Not knowing what's in front us...
We walked along...
Regardless how uncertain we are...
We build bridges,
We even destroy them...
We shaped our own destiny...
To be wherever we desire most...
May you be fear of the uncertainties,
would you rather die in the caves of comfort?
The choice will be ultimately yours...
Xx annaliese xX