Nobody said that the road to success was easy...
People would try to bring you down,
They will convince you that you wouldn't achieve it...
They will talk behind your back,
They will tell you their experiences...
But as hard-headed and determine as she is,
She never listens as long as she had set her goal,
She'll do whatever it takes to achieve it...

I had been awaken by a neighbour,
at 5 in the morning,

I have to wear a corset to support my back for a few months...
Blue black everywhere because the nurse injected painkillers into my IV Drip,
It felt so cooling when they injected water to flush up my veins...
but the painkillers hurts when they injected into the IV Drip,
although effective to my back!

That fei poh,
trying to hide behind the sister's handbag and behind the aunt!
Every now and then,
My back gave me problems...
that excruciating pain...
Probably because of my hectic schedules of classes,
the pain had gotten worse...
I tried to go for hydrotherapy,
swimming at my friend's condo...
It did help a bit in the beginning,
It wasn't a lot till the pain came back again...
I told myself to hang in there,
Wait till I completed the Dec'15 exams then only I'll go for a 2nd MRI scan!
Things always didn't turned out as planned,
Your body has its own mind to work things out!
It had decided to show me signs that it couldn't tolerate,
couldn't hang on to all the stress that I'm giving to it...
It was when I'm in the mid of classes at mid/end of Oct'15,
When we were given a 10 mins break,
I tried to stand up and walk...
But I couldn't,
I just stood there because the pain was so intense,
that it affected right down to my left leg...
I tried to take a few deep breaths,
Trying to calm myself down,
The heart is pumping so quickly,
Because I'm afraid I couldn't walk anymore...
After a few mins,
I'm alright to go again...
Back then,
I thought to myself that I could earn the MRI scan fees by myself...
But the body had shown signs that I couldn't drag it any longer...
That's when I decided to tell my dad...
Appointment made to visit the same doc again after 3 years,
He had given order to go for the 2nd MRI scan...
For the first time,
Dad was there with me all along
*although he took naps in between in the clinic*
It used to be someone very special who accompanied me through the whole process,
It was Andrew back then,
from sending me to the hospital and clinic,
waiting for me while I get my scan done,
did the research for me,
and the best part?
He asked if I had claustrophobia...
But it's alright now,
I'm a big girl...
I shall do all that by myself...
After all,
What's the definition of being an iron lady?
I know I looked freaking fat in here!
That's when I changed into this "pregnancy" clothing,
prepping to go into that MRI machine...
It looks like a huge doughnut right?
This machine is much more newer compare to the one I had in SJMC
(now known as Sime Darby Medical Centre in Subang)
I would say this is a much more pleasant scan,
because of the considerate nurse,
and better music...
Earphones are worn during the scan because of the sound the machine makes,
it's wayyyyy too loud,
not too scary,
and all you gotta do is to stay still and relax!
The scan took about 10 - 15 mins...
The results of that scan is instant,
As in you'll received after an hour or so...
As in you'll received after an hour or so...
As expected,
It had worsen and it's been pressing on the nerves of my left leg...
After much discussions,
I decided to go for surgery!

I've been dependent for these before surgery,
To ease me throughout the days while I'm still having classes,
and battles during my ACCA exams...
I am to be admitted into the hospital on the same day right after my exams.
The next day is somewhat a Selangor Public Holiday,
so the doc won't be coming in...
I was admitted on 11/12/2015,
at Beacon International Specialist Centre,
and the surgery was performed on the above pic!
On the night of 11th,
I couldn't sleep,
Prolly because I'm used to staying up at wee hours!
Till a nurse came over to shoo me to bed :(
I guess I had been a very naughty patient >.<
I had been awaken by a neighbour,
at 5 in the morning,
because she PULLED out her nose tube!!!
And the nurse try to insert it back,
she screams in so much pain...
What I heard from her family member was that she had a lung cancer,
the nurse suggested to tie her hands up,
It's painful to see her that way,
but the nurse has her point too!
Which would u rather choose?
To tie her hands up or to let her keep pulling her nose tube and then insert it again in her nose with so much pain?
The nurse decided to move me to the next room,
Because she says I'll need plenty of rest,
and was afraid the same thing happened again,
to be disturbed by my neighbour!
I've packed my belongings,
called my dad that all he needs to take was there on the chair,
since I'll be moving to the next room after my op!
Honestly speaking,
I wasn't afraid until I'm dressed up like that!
What makes it worse was that my family members isn't here yet!
I told myself to be brave,
There's nothing I should be afraid of!
The nurse asked me to take a shower first since I wouldn't be able to do after surgery...
And yes,
My hair is still wet!
As the clock ticks,
My heart pumps faster...
Each time the nurse walks in,
I gets more nervous...
In came 2 nurses,
A female and a male...
she asks me to lay on my bed while they push the bed to the operation theatre!!!
I was hoping that my family would come soon!
At least to be there and gave me some encouragement,
because I'm not that strong anymore T.T
The nurse had been very kind to me,
she covered me in blankie,
saying that it's cold up there...
When I reached,
I still have to wait,
laying on my bed,
looking at those bright lights,
and freezing too!
Another nurse came,
she put a huge pipe under my blankie and says,
"This is to warm you up a bit..."
Dad came after a short while,
and phew,
Slightly relieved BUT still afraid...
He has to go out after a while,
He said he wasn't allowed to come in,
but since he wasn't there with me previously,
the nurse let him just for a while!
As I saw the docs and nurses walking here and there,
saw the patient who just came out,
I'm getting more nervous...
But after seeing my own doc,
who came and confirm if it's the left leg,
*actually it even starts moving to my right leg too*
I felt better...
When I thought the waiting area is cold,
I was being explained what they're about to do next,
the anaesthetist first inject the anaesthesia into my IV Drip,
I'm already feeling drowsy,
heavy eyelids,
trying not to close,
then came the General Anaesthesia,
Which puts me in deep sleep...
I only felt like I had been sleeping for an hour or so,
But the whole surgery took 4 hours!!!
The anaesthetist nudge me to wake me up,
and after a while,
the nurses pushes my bed down to my room...
I saw my dad,
my mam,
my sister...
All of the sudden,
A few tears rolled down onto my cheeks...
I had no idea why,
prolly feeling overwhelmed,
from being nervous to happy...
Indeed after the surgery,
I was very tired and slept all day!
I have to stay on bed for the whole day as well as the next day,
until with the doc's order,
I could sit and stand up...
That's the happiest moment after being bedridden for so long!
I felt like a wobbly fawn...
Couldn't sit long,
Couldn't stand long,
Walking like an infant,
But with overjoyed...!!!

I have to wear a corset to support my back for a few months...
Blue black everywhere because the nurse injected painkillers into my IV Drip,
It felt so cooling when they injected water to flush up my veins...
but the painkillers hurts when they injected into the IV Drip,
although effective to my back!
Overjoyed to be able to go home,
although I still have to rest on my bed,
With tons of medications everyday!
I get a new set of these each time I went for follow ups,
Until recently,
I don't have to take in that much of medications!
Who doesn't love flowers?!
The zoozies visited me while I'm still in admission,
Beautiful lilies and they knew I love purple...
So purple wrapper,
purple daisies,
and purple baby's breaths...
Grace visited when I'm bedridden at home...
She brought a bouquet of purple carnations!
Love them too ❤
![]() |
Follow ups, Me driving myself, and in corset |

Although I'm still in my recovery process,
I tried to attend my cousin's wedding and my bestie's wedding...
And heck yes!
Gain a few pounds..!!
Look at that TUMMY and that FAT FACE!!!
I can't even accept that myself!

trying to hide behind the sister's handbag and behind the aunt!
Congratulations,my dear!
I know you're worried,
but this is once in a lifetime thing,
so I'll be there to witness your happy moments and share it together with the rest of the zoozies!
*still looking fat as ever! 🙈 *
It's been a pretty long post and the time now is 5.48 am!
Next update,
Someone special had came into her life,
A stranger,
which unexpectedly turns out to be someone important!