Today is valentine's day.I wasn't happy at all.A lonely valentine for me =(
You didn't date me out.I had given you all the hints but I'm not sure whether you get it or not.
You didn't date me out.I had given you all the hints but I'm not sure whether you get it or not.
u no, bubble q? i really liked what you write and how you write? and i am able 2 relate with it. u almost made me cry...
Keep writing, and dont worry. there's sum1 4 every1... if he's d guy u'll sure get bak 2getehr...
thank you for supporting^^ i'm still waiting for him and i noe he just need more time
dont worry, keep hope. this guy i love, we broke up 3 THREE times just 2 get bak 2gether.... lol! take care...
=) so far,we've oni break twice..it's painful though..but i can wait for him
dunno y! but i seriously can relate 2 u... dats y i am replyin 2 d comments. no probs ryt??? n ya, its painful... no wat? v tried breakin up 2 get bak a part of ourselves which we thot got lost... but then by breakin up v understood we were losing ourselves more... anyway tc... bye
thanx anywayz..i'm not sure if he thinks tat way
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