Wait up...
I realized each time when exam is around the corner,
I would have this habit of thinking into the past and reviving all the memories...
so here I am again...
Few weeks ago,
King Kong and her fiancee came to KL and they invited me for a fine dining...
Initially I rejected...
Well, I hate being the "spot light" but she insisted and Brandon even asked me to come...
I didn't know it was their anniversary >.>
But thanks darling and not to forget Brandon too...
for that awesome fine dining...

Well, girls gotta dress up aite for that special occassion?
*takes a deep breath*
For the second time of the month,
I'm doing this again...
Changing the tyre -_-
It wasn't me this time...
It was my sister who was driving...
We met up at mum's place since I was working, there is no need to drive back again...
and then this happen...
As when we left mum's place,
we drove side by side..
as the traffic light turns green,
*being an eldest sister, I would usually let them move ahead so I could watch their backs*
and I'm glad I did...
Hearing an awkward noise from her car,
I turned and to my shocking state,
her tyre had been scratched and air is leaking quickly...
Glad that she could make it to a petrol station nearby,
I changed the tyre there...
There's 2 gentlemen who was filling up the air for their tyres saw what happened and came to offer their hands...
*I gotta say, being a girl does has extra privilege eh?*
check them out below ;)

Halloween is a pain in the arse...
first off, last min costume...
second, the crowds!
But I managed to pull out 2 last min ideas by picking sth outta my closet...
On that exact night of 31102014,
dressing up as Sailor horror!
Glad that ppl could see what it is...
to intensify that effect,
I drew some "scratches" from the sea monster
and of course,
slit throats...
the blood was alright initially...
as the party comes to an end..
I realized that my blood still continues to drip into my cleavage *oppss*

noticed that blood from before party to end of the party?
Speaking of which,
I remembered that there's one night I got so drunk...
that my friend was so worried and she sat my car to make sure I was alright...
When we were about to pay our parking ticket,
a stranger helps us to pay for it...
*awe*thank you stranger*
*just enjoyed being a girl*
such gentleman...
or was it because he was tipsy too?
whatever it is, I'm grateful to that gentleman...
Sent her off to pick her car up when she confirms that I could drive...
As some of you know,
Zouk has an event on 01112014 called "Dawn the Dead"
Attended and my last min costume?
Wrapped up,
a greek goddess...
I would say,
I will never go back to Zouk for such event...
It's so packed that you could hardly even move!
but at least the girls enjoyed it!

Here I am,
My full costume of Greek Goddess!
Left to Right:
Greek Goddess, Bunny & the Maid
We even spot the wolf from 3 little pigs!
The only one who could act along with me
Sugar high?
It's her last week of work...
That last week of being an auditor...
That last week of being a senior...
That one last week...
with so much emotions in her...
We were handling a huge case,
from one of our biggest clients...
For the first time in the history,
The whole team went out..
At least in my last week,
we could still work as a team ;)
it's Chaos...
as though there's a huge hurricane...
let the pics speak for itself..
The many files that we needed to check
Freezing much...
The "wantons" are still there cuz my junior said kept it as lunch,
Deep fried or steam? *smirks*
I personally loves this one...
at first glance,
you might thought she's a senior...
Truth is, she's our trainee and her senior explaining all her queries...
We never sit on a "comfy-CEO" chair because too much comfort might make us unproductive!
When us seniors were fully focusing..
We believe in leadership
by guiding them,
Not by asking them to be followers
My place was a chaos
so much to do yet so lil time...
My last field audit with this cheeky one...
defo needed a we-fie XD
The day has arrived for me to go on a separate path,
As how heavy hearted I am,
I knew that I must move on..
to pursue what I had always aimed for...
my career development had just stopped there...
I'll miss them for sure,
how we used to work together as a team,
how we challenged each other *debates on issues*,
how we discussed on issues faced...
because that is when I learnt the most...
On my last day,
I handed this card,
with a thank you note in it to both my employers.
Not to miss this one out...
We celebrated Grace's birthday...
Surprised her with the presence of Joe, Presto & Azmi
That sparkly candles to match that pretty cake...
solely for that gorgeous darling of ours...
Glad that you love everything we planned & we love you so much!
While scrolling some articles,
came to my attention that TimeOut KL posted a post of a flea market by Carousel...
without hesitation,
*and being lazy to make up*
grab that cap and ciaoz...
Everything was on a bargain price...
so cheap that you would just get anything you love there...
A for Annaliese...
That green dye is fading off,
my next colour would be my favourite one...
I have no idea what came over me,
prolly stress and mind full of over-thoughts...
head down to the gym and spent 2 hours there...
Did a 5km cardio run,
sadly, my performance had deteriorated...
but I'll train back once after my exams...
Did some hamstrings workout,
hip abduction workout,
abs workout,
and weights for my arms too...
seems like I done everything eh?

My 5km and 12 laps run!
All these workouts doesn't seem to wear me off,
I went on to train on my knees up on the monkey bars,
it was my first attempt though...
Check it out below...
It ain't easy but I'll get there...
It's almost 5 in the morning...
better be off now...
Xx annaliese xX
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