it's Tamadun Islam for our first class...yeah,it was boooowwwriinngggg~!!!! lecturer just explain to us bout the unit plans and briefly bout the,as the well known sleeper,felt sleepy...i feel like sleeping....this subject,it's just more or less neutral feelings i had bout i was an 'A' student for my history...but i guess,it would be a bit,we'll see then =)
class ended early by few mins....we went to cannes tea hse for our brunch...talked a lot there...edmund did join us too...yes,it was the same gang again =) then i fetch lynn home...but we need to wait for her parents to come she doesnt have the hse keys...then on my way back,i saw ed was behind me...i wind down the window and wave "hello" =D hehehe
i had a walk with bie today...after he's off desa was a short 1...but i'm already was going to rain...with lightnings and thunder,dark clouds....then we went for a yam cha session with sun kiew at big a lot of stuffs...
one thing that my bie said had struck me all of sudden...telling sun that it was a hard climb to impress my dad..among all the words,he mention san fu...yes,i'm shock and at the same time,it hit me...sad ofcourse...i never expect him to say that...i dunno how to describe how i'm feeling...because,as i always tell him,i never wanted to be his burden moreover never wanted my family to get in between us...
yes bie,i understand you of how much u wanted dad to accept you...but what bout me? i wanted it more than anyone else...just let it flow okay?? there's no need of you to do anything...i'm sure,the time will wanted me to be be honest,i still am afraid...afraid of the past will be repeated once again...

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